Mansion House Copyright Statement
Mansion House Copyright Statement
Unless otherwise stated, the design and layout of this website and all material published including text, graphics, logos, sounds, images and attached documents are copyright of City of York Council.
It is unlawful to duplicate or distribute any element of this website, without expressed written permission.
Using our website content
All content is copyright protected to City of York Council, however you may:
- use the content contained in this website for reproduction in connection with presentations, reports, printed material, and other similar uses which are publicly distributed or displayed free of charge, including advertisements, posters, catalogues, brochures, and leaflets
- publicly display or demonstrate the website in unaltered form on a computer or mobile device
You may not:
- resell, sub-license or distribute any of the content in any form. Neither may you include the content in any materials that are offered for sale, except in the case of advertisements with publications for which a cover price is payable
- modify, distort, mutilate or alter the content
- use the content in any manner which could be interpreted as suggesting the endorsement or association of any product or service in connection with pornographic, illegal or immoral materials or purposes
- copy or adapt the code used to create this website
- attempt to decipher, de-compile, disassemble or reverse engineer any of the software comprising or in any way making up a part of the website
- use the Mansion House logo or branding from this website without prior agreement
You must credit any content used from this website describing the associated copyright holder.
For further copyright information on a particular aspect of this website email: [email protected].
Linking to our website
We encourage you to create links to our home page and other information on our website. You do not have to ask permission to 'deep-link' directly to the pages we host, but please be aware that changes we make to our content may cause 'deep-links' to break.
Association, endorsement and approval
You should not seek to associate Mansion House with your site or any non-Mansion House content. Nor should you suggest any endorsement or approval by Mansion House of you, your website or any non-Mansion House product or content.
We do not permit our pages to be loaded into frames on your site.
We do not permit a website to link to URL if it contains material which is libellous, defamatory, pornographic, obscene, or is in any way a breach of the law or infringes any third party intellectual property rights.
Removal of material
Should Mansion House contact you to remove our materials and/or links from your site, you must do so immediately.